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Senior Living Blogs & Articles


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Expert advice backed by the latest research—for seniors and caregivers alike.

An adult child holding her mother's hands while sitting on the couch and having a discussion.

October 10, 2024

How to Deal With Dementia in a Parent

Caring for a parent with dementia can be an incredibly emotional and challenging journey. As their cognitive abilities change, the […]

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Fitness Watches for Seniors: Everything to Know

Regular exercise can help prevent chronic conditions for older adults, improve mental health, preserve health and independence, and enhance overall […]

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A smiling senior unloads the dishwasher in his independent living apartment.

What Is the Difference Between Assisted Living & Independent Living?

Deciding between assisted living and independent living is a big decision. It’s important to understand the differences and find the […]

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Close up of a senior woman doing a sudoku puzzle.

Memory Games for Seniors to Stay Sharp

Keeping the mind sharp and spirits high is as vital as maintaining physical health as we age. Mental stimulation plays […]

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